Unlearning to trust

Yes, you read that correctly. Trust has a powerful and multifaceted energy behind it. Let us start at the beginning. 

Trust is a fundamental aspect of our lives that comes from our higher self and the cosmic energy we are eternally connecting with. The expression of trust is like our autonomic response with breathing, always present and connecting us to ourselves, our loved ones, and our community. We trust that we have a plan and are not alone in our journey. However, as we grow up, we start to unlearn this trust due to our environment, parental examples, and friends. We ignore our intuition and how we feel based on our parental illusions, wounding and focusing on material experiences rather than understanding what our emotions are showing us. There has been a societal storyline that we are unsafe if we trust in the unseen world. The understanding and feelings of trusting another become the focal point outward for our clarity and acceptance. We forget that trust comes from within and is used as our navigation system by way of our intuition.

When we give over to the belief that we need outside sources for our safety, understanding, and guidance, we then can understand how much weight we put on the opinions and demands of another. Becoming aware of the separation within ourselves through the experiences of connecting with another through love, disconnection, and pain - we add meaning to what we feel and identify ourselves with why it happened. These identities manifest in behavior beliefs of being a victim, experiencing lack, or feeling abandoned. Thoughts create endless mental loops until we learn practices to help us change our thinking which leads to anxiety and imbalances in the body and illnesses. 

Trust, love, grace, and acceptance are within us already. We do not need to achieve or earn them. Expanding our awareness to see ourselves as a soul that is learning we understand that the world and people can be our teachers. Then we can see the story being created when looking outside ourselves for direction and approval. We then can pause in a moment of choice to see if we want to enter the loop again asking ourselves "Why did this happen to me."

Creating an exit plan with resting points in our loops is always there for us. We first have to be aware that we are in this cycle. Connecting to the experience of trust always comes from listening to our intuition and the gentle conversation and support we can provide to ourselves to seek the best connections, aligned steps, and where we want to go in life.  

If you would like to learn more about how to do this, schedule a call with me today.


Relationally disconnected - a trauma wound; how we bond and, importantly, how we heal the pattern.


The Journey into a New Beginning