A Good Blueprint for a Joyous Life

I have learned and experienced many things in life and surrendered to the flow and understanding that life can show us many things and relearning principles for a life well lived has become what I share with my clients and my life blueprint. 

Below is what I have learned to be a good life blueprint. 

Real life connection and inspiration and excitement for life comes when standing outside of our comforts. 

Joy that moves our heart is cultivated when we see and release the protection systems that we use to keep ourselves in the system for survival living. 

Pleasure is a wonderful expression and a powerful way to nourish ourselves and for self-care. Healthy pleasure connects and brings light into our lives, negative pleasure brings shadow aspects to see and release. Both can be a way to understand ourselves and patterns through a deep experience. 

Pain and discomfort is the path to transformation. We do not evolve and connect fully with our life experience here in Earth without these times. When we learn to observe and connect through these times we can understand what life truly is, the fragility of life and the beauty of what we have been given. 

Life weaves shadow and light together to bring harmony to our existences. We are in alignment with ourselves and all of creation when we can learn this. We need both to make the whole. 

Practicing discipline and having a self-care and awareness practice helps us to balance and create safety to shift away from a rigid mindset and structures. Too much structure is creating more illusionary comfort zones and where we limit our growth. This is place where we become stuck and disconnected. 

Learn to be in the unknown and without answers. Relearning to trust the process and your intuition. 

Take up wandering and adventure even if it’s just the next town over. Try seeing life with a new perspective and with eyes of a child in wonder. When is the last time you allowed yourself to play without judgement?

Push yourself - do that project or business idea. Take a chance and you will relearn to believe in yourself. 

Love yourself the way you need to be loved. Show up for yourself with commitment and love. This is your responsibility. 

Laugh like really learn to relaugh from your belly. Restore play and creativity in your life and your body will become healthy and will thank you with vitality!

Interact, not distract. Shadow aspects thrive in the disconnecting from yourself and the people around you. Conscious relating creates connection. Endless scrolling for that “hit” of false pleasure can end relationships quickly and become a shaky foundation for distrust and illusion. 

Life ends sooner than we think and there is no badge of strength at the end of it - only the gift of reflection. Your life will have seasons both in pain and growth and it is how you energetically meet these times with your mind, heart, and faith that will create the outcome your experience. 

Allow yourself to “throw out” the idea of mistakes. Growth and choice points should be added into your vocabulary. You experience what you experience and when you can see the moments that you make choices - to connect or disconnect from your intelligent inner guidance than you understand your “why” of the experience and you can learn from it. Every experience and relationship offers us the reflection of “who am I” and “ am I honoring my spirit” in this. 

If you choose to go through life alone - go all in. Don't feel guilty for not wanting the family and child experience and create a life from disharmony with your spirit. 

If you wish for someone - if you desire a connection with another then open yourself to an amazing person to come to you. Work on being the person you desire in the other, connect and love the process of calling in the aligned counterpart and they will show up before you know it!

Take your joy, happiness and love very seriously. Move away from people and places that shut you down, disrupt your nervous system, loop in criticism and love from the action of “all about me”. There can be no mutual growth and safety when someone can’t meet you in the middle to grow and create change. This takes listening and sharing, giving and receiving. Positive action must be part of this situation. 

When dating - If they are “unsure” of you and lack the ability to devote to a connection together - walk away. It isn’t beautiful to distort or allow yourself to be manipulated. If they are not ready in their lives to have an authentic relationship that can last and be built together - walk away because this will cause you to suffer greatly and you will live from your shadow parts and it will most certainly erode your vitality and health. Stop making excuses for them and have that real straight talk with yourself that this person doesn’t match what you desire. Nothing you do will change them. 

Have good sex often - I do suggest with a person that will go deep and not a random hookup. Within a union is the best exploring you can do. You grow a lot here!

We live in a world of polarity. 

Good vs evil

Health vs sick

Good vs bad

Light vs heavy

You pick which side you want to live from. 

It's your choice BUT you can learn to flow through both with presence and joy. 

Change your vibe

Update your frequency

It is easier than you think

Return to love

Return to full connection to this life you have been given.

Check-in with yourself daily


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